We offer the full range of coded and uncoded lamps for Varian, Perkin Elmer, Thermo/Unicam and GBC instruments. The uncoded 1.5” lamps are compatible with most instruments.
Send us an e-mail with the make and model of your instrument and we will ensure compatibility.
Available in the below elements.
Al | Aluminium | Os | Osmium |
Sb | Antimony | Pd | Palladium |
As | Arsenic | Pt | Platinum |
Ba | Barium | K | Potassium |
Be | Beryllium | Pr | Praseodymium |
Bi | Bismuth | Re | Rhenium |
B | Boron | Rh | Rhodium |
Cd | Cadmium | Rb | Rubidium |
Ca | Calcium | Ru | Ruthenium |
Cs | Cesium | Sm | Samarium |
Ce | Cerium | Sc | Scandium |
Cr | Chromium | Se | Selenium |
Co | Cobalt | Si | Silicon |
Cu | Copper | Ag | Silver |
Dy | Dysprosium | Na | Sodium |
Er | Erbium | Sr | Strontium |
Eu | Europium | Ta | Tantalum |
Gd | Gadolinium | Te | Tellerium |
Ga | Gallium | Tb | Terbium |
Ge | Germanium | Tl | Thallium |
Au | Gold | Th | Thorium |
Hf | Hafnium | Tm | Thulium |
Ho | Holmium | Sn | Tin |
In | Indium | Ti | Titanium |
Ir | Iridium | W | Tungsten |
Fe | Iron | U | Uranium |
La | Lanthanum | V | Vanadium |
Pb | Lead | Yb | Ytterbium |
Li | Lithium | Y | Yttrium |
Lu | Lutetium | Zn | Zinc |
Mg | Magnesium | Zr | Zirconium |
Mn | Manganese | H2 | Continuum |
Hg | Mercury | Ca/Mg | Ca/Mg |
Mo | Molybdenum | Na/K | Na/K |
Nd | Neodymium | Cu/Zn | Cu/Zn |
Ni | Nickel | 6 Multi | Cr/Co/Cu/Fe/Mn/Ni |
Nb | Niobium | P | Phosphorous |